Title: Communication on site Longtitle: How to reach us URL: dect.en.html save_as: dect.en.html Slug: dect Lang: en Template: page sortorder: 01 Date: 2018-11-01 Each supporting team offers a variety of ways to get in touch. One of the easiest ways is calling them via the local DECT network. Even if you do not have a phone yourself, one will always be nearby. ## What is DECT? We operate our own cellular and DECT phone network on site. Anyone can join this network by either 1. Registering a standard DECT-Telefon via [eventphone.de](http://eventphone.de) or 1. Using one of our speacial SIM-cards in your cell phone. ## I do not have DECT! If you need help and do not have your own DECT phone, *any angel can halp you. You can recognize them by the badge dangling around their shoulders.* In the unlikely case that there is no angel in your immediate surrounding, you can always find them * at any bar * at any entreance * at the Infopoint * at "heaven", the angel's headquarters * at any other "official" counter or booth At any point in time, hundreds of angels are on duty, so you should never have problems finding a person wirth a DECT phone. Of course, you can also approach anybody carrying a radio transceiver.