#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nu_header.h" static void bailout( char *reason ); static void sigint( int reason ) { bailout( "User interrupt." ); } static mainsock = -1; static childsock = -1; static QWORD getnttime( struct timeval *t ) { return 10000000ll * ( t->tv_sec + 11644473600ll ) + t->tv_usec * 10ll; } static void netbios_read( SMB_HEADER **buf) { DWORD bytes; ssize_t bytestoread; if( read( childsock, bytes, 4) < 4 ) bailout( "Short read." ); bytestoread = htons(((WORD*)bytes)[1]); if( (*buf = (SMB_HEADER*)realloc( *buf, 4 + bytestoread )) == NULL) bailout( "Out of memory."); *(DWORD*)*buf = bytes; if( read( childsock, ((BYTE*)*buf) + 4, bytestoread) != bytestoread ) bailout( "Short read." ); } static void netbios_write( SMB_COMMAND cmd, SMB_HEADER *buf, SMB_PARAMS *buf2, SMB_BYTES *buf3 ) { BYTE buf_[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if(!buf2 ) buf2 = (SMB_PARAMS*)buf_; if(!buf3 ) buf3 = (SMB_BYTES*)buf_; if( buf ) { struct iovec iov[3] = { {buf , sizeof(SMB_HEADER) }, {buf2, 1 + buf2->WordCount * 2}, {buf3, 2 + buf3->ByteCount } }; buf->netbios_command = cmd; buf->netbios_flags = 0; buf->netbios_size = htons( sizeof(SMB_HEADER) - 4 + 1 + buf2->WordCount * 2 + 2 + buf3->ByteCount ); buf->Flags = 0x88; buf->Flags2 = 0x4001; if( writev( childsock, iov, 3 ) < htons( buf->netbios_size ) + 4 ) bailout( "Write failed." ); } else { *buf_ = cmd; if( write( childsock, buf_, 4 ) < 4) bailout( "Write failed." ); } } static void child( ) { SMB_HEADER *inpacket = NULL; DWORD bytesread; /* I should spare that code... */ if( mainsock != -1 ) { close( mainsock ); mainsock = -1; } /* Try to answer first netbios packet */ netbios_read( &inpacket ); if( inpacket->netbios_command != 0x81 ) bailout( "No session request"); netbios_write( 0x82, NULL, NULL, NULL ); while( 1 ) { netbios_read( &inpacket ); if( inpacket->netbios_command != 0 ) bailout( "Unhandled netbios command" ); if( inpacket->Protocol != SMB_HEADER_PROTOCOL_MAGIC ) bailout( "Protocol identifier mismatch"); switch( inpacket->Command ) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: { const BYTE bytes[] = { 8,0,0x67,0x61,0x74,0x6c,0x69,0x6e,0x67,0 }; WORD params[] = { 0x0511, 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0001, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0100, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; struct timeval t; gettimeofday( &t, NULL ); *(DWORD*)&inpacket->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; params[8] = getpid(); params[9] = getppid(); *(QWORD*)¶ms[12] = getnttime( &t ); netbios_write( 0, inpacket, (SMB_PARAMS*)params ,(SMB_BYTES*)bytes); break; } default: { fprintf( stderr, "Got message: %02X\n", inpacket->Command ); *(DWORD*)&inpacket->Status = 0x00400002; netbios_write( 0, inpacket, NULL, NULL ); break; } } } /* End main loop */ } int main() { struct sockaddr_in sa; int l=1; signal( SIGINT, sigint); bzero( &sa, sizeof( sa)); sa.sin_family = PF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons( 139 ); sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if( ( mainsock = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) ) == -1) bailout( "Could not open socket"); #ifdef SO_REUSEPORT setsockopt( mainsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &l, sizeof(l)); #else setsockopt( mainsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &l, sizeof(l)); #endif if( bind( mainsock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof( sa)) != 0) bailout( "Could not bind socket"); if( listen( mainsock, 1024) != 0 ) bailout( "Could not make socket listen"); while( 1 ) { struct sockaddr otherend; int size = sizeof( otherend ); if( ( childsock = accept( mainsock, &otherend, &size) ) == -1) bailout( "Socket Broke."); if (!fork()) child( ); } } /* Graceful exit. */ static void bailout( char *reason) { fputs( reason, stderr); fputs( "\nCleaning up.\n", stderr); if( mainsock != -1 ) close( mainsock ); if( childsock != -1 ) { shutdown( childsock, SHUT_RDWR); close( childsock ); } exit( 0 ); }