path: root/trackerlogic.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2008-12-01Live Sync for peers that do not come back too early.erdgeist
2008-11-28The BIG refactoring [tm]. Too many changes to count them. If it doesn't suite you, revert to last version.erdgeist
2008-10-28Whitespace fixeserdgeist
2008-10-06Make ot_try_bind local again.erdgeist
2008-10-04added live sync codeerdgeist
added a config file parser added tracker id changed WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER and WANT_BLACKLIST into WANT_ACCESS_WHITE and WANT_ACCESS_BLACK changed WANT_TRACKER_SYNC to WANT_SYNC_BATCH and added WANT_SYNC_LIVE added an option to switch off fullscrapes cleaned up many internal hardcoded values, like PROTO_FLAG,
2007-12-20Introduce some kind of versioningerdgeist
2007-12-03Drop ot_{byte,word,dword} and use uint{8,16,32}_t, also simplify includeserdgeist
2007-11-21Fixing mmap allocation went to ot_mutex.c. Clean all torrents moved to ot_clean.c. Also make static buffers staticerdgeist
2007-11-12Moving accesslist stuff to its own objecterdgeist
2007-11-12Full scrape moves to its own objecterdgeist
2007-11-06Move stats out of opentracker.c, also have an own file handle udp requests.erdgeist
2007-11-06No one can get access to buckets now without locking them. Also split up the trackerlogic.c-monster in functional sub-units. HEADS UP: this code is untested ↵erdgeist
and not considered stable.
2007-11-06Make to_hex thread safe. Get rid off old /24 counting code. Protect more bucket accesses by locks.erdgeist
2007-11-06We do now use the tools for locking buckets in order to prepare MT codeerdgeist
2007-11-03Introducing first tools to make opentracker multithreaded.erdgeist
2007-11-02Introduce configuration dependent number of parameters in a nicer wayerdgeist
2007-11-01Allow for more than one admin ip addresserdgeist
2007-10-31Add more full scrape statserdgeist
2007-10-29Reenabled syncingerdgeist
2007-10-27Number of buckets is 1024 nowerdgeist
Clean all torrents now only cleans one bucket at a time All torrents that are being worked upon in an announce are being cleaned on demoand torrent's peer lists now keep extra counts for seeds and peers to speed up scrape and announce Sync has gone for now. I will think up a new way to implement. The old one was way to slow.
2007-10-19Introducing multiscrapeerdgeist
2007-10-19After studying opentracker live data, I decided to radically reduce default allocation for vectors and making it grow faster instead: Most pools only had ↵erdgeist
one or two peers, wasting 8*15 or 8*14 bytes.
2007-10-19Increase check interval for timeouted sockets to 10 seconds. That may prevent some disrupted scrapes.erdgeist
2007-10-17Increase send timeout. Also use an own variable for that.erdgeist
2007-10-13since gettimeofday is rather expansive, we do only fetch time once in a 5 second period, when we are delivered a SIGALRM.erdgeist
2007-10-12make 64bit safeerdgeist
2007-09-26New stats for s24s code, this is debug, do not use in real worlderdgeist
2007-09-10An announce with event=stopped now returns correct number of leechers and seeders. In TCP and UDP.erdgeist
2007-08-18Added whitelisting to reimplement the WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER functionalityerdgeist
2007-07-22some subnet stats... still ugly and untested.erdgeist
2007-07-22* fixed "nobody " -> "nobody" fuckup when getpwnam-ingerdgeist
* implemented basic blacklisting: ** the file specified with -b <BLACKLIST> is read and added to a blacklist vector ** if an announce hits a torrent in that blacklist vector, add_peer_to_torrent fails ** sending a SIGHUP to the program forces it to reread the blacklists ** the server returns with a 500, which is not exactly nice but does the job for now ** an adaequat "failure reason:" should be delivered... TODO
2007-03-27Added inbound part of sync. This also meant to remove the black/whitelisting as we did by now. A more scalable way to blacklist will follow.erdgeist
2007-03-27Added outbound part of sync Proposed format: d4:syncd20:<info_hash>8*N:(xxxxyy)*Nee, therefore had to refactor torrent cleanup now that it will hit all ↵erdgeist
torrents once every OT_POOL_TIMEOUT units.
2007-03-16support for udp scrapedenis
2007-03-15new modes for udp4 and tcp4 statsdenis
2007-03-06udp is working in theory, return_peers_for_torrent accepts a switch to request an udp answer. Fixed prototypes.erdgeist
2007-02-02increased the interval random variationdenis
2007-02-01make the interval with random an average value around the real value and not additionaldenis
2007-02-01Make timeouts more human readableerdgeist
2007-02-01Wasted too much space for minimum element count. Now minimum elements in vektor is 16, it grows and shrinks by a factor of 4 and a shrinking hysteresis of a ↵erdgeist
factor of 5
2007-02-01el cheapo vector debuggingerdgeist
2007-01-30On linux time.h must be included to use time()erdgeist
2007-01-27account downloaded before early returnserdgeist
2007-01-26Introduce another unspec'd command: sync which syncs the most recent peer pool for a torrent out. Do some variable type clean up. Do some code structure ↵erdgeist
clean up.
2007-01-25return random check back intervals to our clientserdgeist
2007-01-20Full scrape, kinda testederdgeist
2007-01-18From now the OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT will be enforced, even if some data arrived inside this intervalerdgeist
2007-01-17Simple top5 by peers/seeders tableerdgeist
2007-01-16Rudimentary statserdgeist
2007-01-11Documentation improved, some reindenting (again), variable types checked, unnecessary defines removederdgeist