/* This software was written by Dirk Engling It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever. */ /* System */ #include #include #include #include /* Libowfat */ #include "byte.h" /* Opentracker */ #include "trackerlogic.h" #include "ot_mutex.h" /* Our global all torrents list */ static ot_vector all_torrents[OT_BUCKET_COUNT]; /* Bucket Magic */ static int bucket_locklist[ OT_MAX_THREADS ]; static int bucket_locklist_count = 0; static pthread_mutex_t bucket_mutex; static pthread_cond_t bucket_being_unlocked; static int bucket_check( int bucket ) { /* C should come with auto-i ;) */ int i; /* No more space to acquire lock to bucket -- should not happen */ if( bucket_locklist_count == OT_MAX_THREADS ) { fprintf( stderr, "More lock requests than mutexes. Consult source code.\n" ); return -1; } /* See, if bucket is already locked */ for( i=0; i> 6 ); /* Can block */ mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); return all_torrents + bucket; } void mutex_bucket_unlock( int bucket ) { pthread_mutex_lock( &bucket_mutex ); bucket_remove( bucket ); pthread_cond_broadcast( &bucket_being_unlocked ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &bucket_mutex ); } void mutex_bucket_unlock_by_hash( ot_hash *hash ) { unsigned char *local_hash = hash[0]; int bucket = ( local_hash[0] << 2 ) | ( local_hash[1] >> 6 ); mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } /* TaskQueue Magic */ struct ot_task { ot_taskid taskid; ot_tasktype tasktype; int64 socket; int iovec_entries; struct iovec *iovec; struct ot_task *next; }; static ot_taskid next_free_taskid = 1; static struct ot_task *tasklist = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t tasklist_mutex; static pthread_cond_t tasklist_being_filled; int mutex_workqueue_pushtask( int64 socket, ot_tasktype tasktype ) { struct ot_task ** tmptask, * task; /* Want exclusive access to tasklist */ pthread_mutex_lock( &tasklist_mutex ); task = malloc(sizeof( struct ot_task)); if( !task ) { pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); return -1; } /* Skip to end of list */ tmptask = &tasklist; while( *tmptask ) tmptask = &(*tmptask)->next; *tmptask = task; task->taskid = 0; task->tasktype = tasktype; task->socket = socket; task->iovec_entries = 0; task->iovec = NULL; task->next = 0; /* Inform waiting workers and release lock */ pthread_cond_broadcast( &tasklist_being_filled ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); return 0; } void mutex_workqueue_canceltask( int64 socket ) { struct ot_task ** task; /* Want exclusive access to tasklist */ pthread_mutex_lock( &tasklist_mutex ); task = &tasklist; while( *task && ( (*task)->socket != socket ) ) *task = (*task)->next; if( *task && ( (*task)->socket == socket ) ) { struct iovec *iovec = (*task)->iovec; struct ot_task *ptask = *task; int i; /* Free task's iovec */ for( i=0; i<(*task)->iovec_entries; ++i ) munmap( iovec[i].iov_base , iovec[i].iov_len ); *task = (*task)->next; free( ptask ); } /* Release lock */ pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); } ot_taskid mutex_workqueue_poptask( ot_tasktype tasktype ) { struct ot_task * task; ot_taskid taskid = 0; /* Want exclusive access to tasklist */ pthread_mutex_lock( &tasklist_mutex ); while( !taskid ) { /* Skip to the first unassigned task this worker wants to do */ task = tasklist; while( task && ( task->tasktype != tasktype ) && ( task->taskid ) ) task = task->next; /* If we found an outstanding task, assign a taskid to it and leave the loop */ if( task ) { task->taskid = taskid = ++next_free_taskid; break; } /* Wait until the next task is being fed */ pthread_cond_wait( &tasklist_being_filled, &tasklist_mutex ); } /* Release lock */ pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); return taskid; } int mutex_workqueue_pushresult( ot_taskid taskid, int iovec_entries, struct iovec *iovec ) { struct ot_task * task; /* Want exclusive access to tasklist */ pthread_mutex_lock( &tasklist_mutex ); task = tasklist; while( task && ( task->taskid != taskid ) ) task = task->next; if( task ) { task->iovec_entries = iovec_entries; task->iovec = iovec; task->tasktype = OT_TASKTYPE_DONE; } /* Release lock */ pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); /* Indicate whether the worker has to throw away results */ return task ? 0 : -1; } int64 mutex_workqueue_popresult( int *iovec_entries, struct iovec ** iovec ) { struct ot_task ** task; int64 socket = -1; /* Want exclusive access to tasklist */ pthread_mutex_lock( &tasklist_mutex ); task = &tasklist; while( *task && ( (*task)->tasktype != OT_TASKTYPE_DONE ) ) *task = (*task)->next; if( *task && ( (*task)->tasktype == OT_TASKTYPE_DONE ) ) { struct ot_task *ptask = *task; *iovec_entries = (*task)->iovec_entries; *iovec = (*task)->iovec; socket = (*task)->socket; *task = (*task)->next; free( ptask ); } /* Release lock */ pthread_mutex_unlock( &tasklist_mutex ); return socket; } void mutex_init( ) { pthread_mutex_init(&bucket_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&bucket_being_unlocked, NULL); byte_zero( all_torrents, sizeof( all_torrents ) ); } void mutex_deinit( ) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&bucket_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&bucket_being_unlocked); byte_zero( all_torrents, sizeof( all_torrents ) ); }