/* This software was written by Dirk Engling It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever. $Id$ */ /* System */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Libowfat */ #include "socket.h" #include "io.h" #include "iob.h" #include "byte.h" #include "scan.h" #include "ip6.h" #include "ndelay.h" /* Opentracker */ #include "trackerlogic.h" #include "ot_livesync.h" uint32_t g_tracker_id; char groupip_1[4] = { 224,0,23,5 }; #define LIVESYNC_INCOMING_BUFFSIZE (256*256) #define LIVESYNC_OUTGOING_BUFFSIZE_PEERS 1480 #define LIVESYNC_OUTGOING_WATERMARK_PEERS (sizeof(ot_peer)+sizeof(ot_hash)) enum { OT_SYNC_PEER }; /* For outgoing packets */ static int64 g_socket_in = -1; /* For incoming packets */ static int64 g_socket_out = -1; static uint8_t g_inbuffer[LIVESYNC_INCOMING_BUFFSIZE]; void exerr( char * message ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", message ); exit( 111 ); } void livesync_bind_mcast( ot_ip6 ip, uint16_t port) { char tmpip[4] = {0,0,0,0}; char *v4ip; if( !ip6_isv4mapped(ip)) exerr("v6 mcast support not yet available."); v4ip = ip+12; if( g_socket_in != -1 ) exerr("Error: Livesync listen ip specified twice."); if( ( g_socket_in = socket_udp4( )) < 0) exerr("Error: Cant create live sync incoming socket." ); ndelay_off(g_socket_in); if( socket_bind4_reuse( g_socket_in, tmpip, port ) == -1 ) exerr("Error: Cant bind live sync incoming socket." ); if( socket_mcjoin4( g_socket_in, groupip_1, v4ip ) ) exerr("Error: Cant make live sync incoming socket join mcast group."); if( ( g_socket_out = socket_udp4()) < 0) exerr("Error: Cant create live sync outgoing socket." ); if( socket_bind4_reuse( g_socket_out, v4ip, port ) == -1 ) exerr("Error: Cant bind live sync outgoing socket." ); socket_mcttl4(g_socket_out, 1); socket_mcloop4(g_socket_out, 1); } static ot_vector all_torrents[OT_BUCKET_COUNT]; ot_vector *mutex_bucket_lock_by_hash( ot_hash hash ) { return all_torrents + ( uint32_read_big( (char*)hash ) >> OT_BUCKET_COUNT_SHIFT ); } ot_vector *mutex_bucket_lock( int bucket ) { return all_torrents + bucket; } #define mutex_bucket_unlock_by_hash(A,B) #define mutex_bucket_unlock(A) size_t add_peer_to_torrent_proxy( ot_hash hash, ot_peer *peer ) { int exactmatch; ot_torrent *torrent; ot_peer *peer_dest; ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock_by_hash( hash ); torrent = vector_find_or_insert( torrents_list, (void*)hash, sizeof( ot_torrent ), OT_HASH_COMPARE_SIZE, &exactmatch ); if( !torrent ) return -1; if( !exactmatch ) { /* Create a new torrent entry, then */ memcpy( torrent->hash, hash, sizeof(ot_hash) ); if( !( torrent->peer_list = malloc( sizeof (ot_peerlist) ) ) ) { vector_remove_torrent( torrents_list, torrent ); return -1; } byte_zero( torrent->peer_list, sizeof( ot_peerlist ) ); } /* Check for peer in torrent */ peer_dest = vector_find_or_insert_peer( &(torrent->peer_list->peers), peer, &exactmatch ); if( !peer_dest ) return -1; /* Tell peer that it's fresh */ OT_PEERTIME( peer ) = 0; /* If we hadn't had a match create peer there */ if( !exactmatch ) { torrent->peer_list->peer_count++; if( OT_PEERFLAG(peer) & PEER_FLAG_SEEDING ) torrent->peer_list->seed_count++; } memcpy( peer_dest, peer, sizeof(ot_peer) ); return 0; } size_t remove_peer_from_torrent_proxy( ot_hash hash, ot_peer *peer ) { int exactmatch; ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock_by_hash( hash ); ot_torrent *torrent = binary_search( hash, torrents_list->data, torrents_list->size, sizeof( ot_torrent ), OT_HASH_COMPARE_SIZE, &exactmatch ); if( exactmatch ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = torrent->peer_list; switch( vector_remove_peer( &peer_list->peers, peer ) ) { case 2: peer_list->seed_count--; /* Fall throughs intended */ case 1: peer_list->peer_count--; /* Fall throughs intended */ default: break; } } return 0; } void free_peerlist( ot_peerlist *peer_list ) { if( peer_list->peers.data ) { if( OT_PEERLIST_HASBUCKETS( peer_list ) ) { ot_vector *bucket_list = (ot_vector*)(peer_list->peers.data); while( peer_list->peers.size-- ) free( bucket_list++->data ); } free( peer_list->peers.data ); } free( peer_list ); } static void livesync_handle_peersync( ssize_t datalen ) { int off = sizeof( g_tracker_id ) + sizeof( uint32_t ); /* Now basic sanity checks have been done on the live sync packet We might add more testing and logging. */ while( off + (ssize_t)sizeof( ot_hash ) + (ssize_t)sizeof( ot_peer ) <= datalen ) { ot_peer *peer = (ot_peer*)(g_inbuffer + off + sizeof(ot_hash)); ot_hash *hash = (ot_hash*)(g_inbuffer + off); if( OT_PEERFLAG(peer) & PEER_FLAG_STOPPED ) remove_peer_from_torrent_proxy( *hash, peer ); else add_peer_to_torrent_proxy( *hash, peer ); off += sizeof( ot_hash ) + sizeof( ot_peer ); } } int usage( char *self ) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s -i ip -p port\n", self ); return 0; } static ot_vector all_torrents[1024]; static uint32_t peer_counts[1024]; #ifdef WANT_SCROOOOOOOLL static char*to_hex(char*d,uint8_t*s){char*m="0123456789ABCDEF";char *t=d;char*e=d+40;while(d>4];*d++=m[*s++&15];}*d=0;return t;} #endif int main( int argc, char **argv ) { ot_ip6 serverip; uint16_t tmpport; int scanon = 1, bound = 0; time_t next_dump = time(NULL)+1; srandom( time(NULL) ); g_tracker_id = random(); while( scanon ) { switch( getopt( argc, argv, ":i:p:vh" ) ) { case -1: scanon = 0; break; case 'i': if( !scan_ip6( optarg, serverip )) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); } break; case 'p': if( !scan_ushort( optarg, &tmpport)) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); } livesync_bind_mcast( serverip, tmpport); bound++; break; default: case '?': usage( argv[0] ); exit( 1 ); } } if( !bound ) exerr( "No port bound." ); while( 1 ) { ot_ip6 in_ip; uint16_t in_port; size_t datalen = socket_recv4(g_socket_in, (char*)g_inbuffer, LIVESYNC_INCOMING_BUFFSIZE, 12+(char*)in_ip, &in_port); /* Expect at least tracker id and packet type */ if( datalen <= (ssize_t)(sizeof( g_tracker_id ) + sizeof( uint32_t )) ) continue; if( !memcmp( g_inbuffer, &g_tracker_id, sizeof( g_tracker_id ) ) ) { /* drop packet coming from ourselves */ continue; } switch( uint32_read_big( sizeof( g_tracker_id ) + (char*)g_inbuffer ) ) { case OT_SYNC_PEER: livesync_handle_peersync( datalen ); break; default: fprintf( stderr, "Received an unknown live sync packet type %u.\n", uint32_read_big( sizeof( g_tracker_id ) + (char*)g_inbuffer ) ); break; } if( time(NULL) > next_dump ) { int bucket, i; /* For each bucket... */ for( bucket=0; bucketsize; ++tor_offset ) { /* Address torrents members */ ot_peerlist *peer_list = ( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[tor_offset] ).peer_list; #ifdef WANT_SCROOOOOOOLL ot_hash *hash =&( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[tor_offset] ).hash; char hash_out[41]; to_hex(hash_out,*hash); printf( "%s %08zd\n", hash_out, peer_list->peer_count ); #endif if(peer_list->peer_count<1024) peer_counts[peer_list->peer_count]++; else peer_counts[1023]++; free_peerlist(peer_list); } free( torrents_list->data ); memset( torrents_list, 0, sizeof(*torrents_list ) ); } for( i=1023; i>=0; --i ) if( peer_counts[i] ) { printf( "%d:%d ", i, peer_counts[i] ); peer_counts[i] = 0; } printf( "\n" ); next_dump = time(NULL) + 1; } } }