/* * vchat-client - alpha version * vchat-config.h - declaration of configuration array and default values * * Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Kotes * * This program is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified, * provided that this copyright notice is kept intact. This program is * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; * without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a * particular purpose. In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for * any direct, indirect, incidental or special damages arising in any way out * of the use of this software. * */ #ifndef GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE # define GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE "/etc/vchatrc" #endif #ifndef GLOBAL_FORMAT_FILE # define GLOBAL_FORMAT_FILE "/etc/vchatformats" #endif /* configuration array with structure as defined in vchat.h */ extern unsigned int usetime; extern unsigned int hscroll; static volatile configoption configoptions[] = { /* config-option type name in file default value value localvar */ {CF_NICK, CO_STR, "nick", NULL, NULL, { .pstr = &nick } }, {CF_FROM, CO_STR, "from", "vc-alpha-0.17", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_SERVERHOST, CO_STR, "host", "localhost", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_SERVERPORT, CO_STR, "port", "2325", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_CIPHERSUITE, CO_STR, "ciphers", "HIGH:MEDIUM", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_CONFIGFILE, CO_STR, "conffile", "~/.vchat/config", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_CERTFILE, CO_STR, "certfile", "~/.vchat/cert", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_KEYFILE, CO_STR, "keyfile", "~/.vchat/key", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_FORMFILE, CO_STR, "formatfile", "~/.vchat/formats", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_LOGINSCRIPT, CO_STR, "loginscript","~/.vchat/loginscript", NULL, { NULL } }, {CF_ENCODING, CO_STR, "encoding", NULL, NULL, { .pstr = &encoding }}, {CF_USESSL, CO_INT, "usessl", (char *) 1, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_IGNSSL, CO_INT, "ignssl", (char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_USECERT, CO_INT, "usecert", (char *) 1, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_USETIME, CO_INT, "usetime", (char *) 1, (char *)-1, { .pint = &usetime } }, {CF_USETOPIC, CO_INT, "usetopicbar",(char *) 1, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_PRIVHEIGHT, CO_INT, "messages", (char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_PRIVCOLLAPS, CO_INT, "privcollaps",(char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_HSCROLL, CO_INT, "hscroll", (char *)15, (char *)-1, { .pint = &hscroll } }, {CF_CHANNEL, CO_INT, "channel", (char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_SCROLLBPRIV, CO_INT, "privscrollb",(char *) 2048, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_SCROLLBACK, CO_INT, "scrollback", (char *) 8192, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_SCROLLBPRIVT,CO_INT, "privscrollt",(char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_SCROLLBACKT, CO_INT, "scrolltime", (char *) 86400, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_BELLPRIV, CO_INT, "bellonpm", (char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_AUTORECONN, CO_INT, "autoreconn", (char *) 0, (char *)-1, { NULL } }, {CF_NIL, CO_NIL, NULL, NULL, NULL, { NULL } }, }; /* choose option with \001 + 0 - default colorpair for window 1 - colorpair 1 RED 2 - colorpair 2 GREEN 3 - colorpair 3 YELLOW 4 - colorpair 4 BLUE 5 - colorpair 5 MAGENTA 6 - colorpair 6 CYAN 7 - colorpair 7 WHITE 8 - colorpair 8 WHITE on RED 9 - colorpair 9 WHITE on BLUE aA - alternate charset on/off bB - bold on/off dD - dim on/off iI - invisible on/off lL - blink on/off nN - normal on/off pP - protected on/off rR - reverse on/off sS - standout on/off uU - underlined on/off */ #define FE( ID, STRING) { ID, #ID, STRING } static formatstring formatstrings[] = { /* format-string string */ FE( FS_PLAIN, "%s"), FE( FS_CHAN, "%s"), FE( FS_PRIV, "%s"), FE( FS_SERV, "\0012%s"), FE( FS_GLOB, "\0012%s"), FE( FS_DBG, "\0013%s"), FE( FS_ERR, "\0011%s"), FE( FS_ERR_STRING, "\0011%s %s"), FE( FS_IDLE, "\0018%s"), FE( FS_TIME, "\0015[%H:%M]\0010 "), FE( FS_CONSOLETIME, "[%H:%M] "), FE( FS_TOPICW, "[ Channel %d: %s"), FE( FS_NOTOPICW, "[ Channel %d has no topic"), FE( FS_CONSOLE, "%s@%s:%s, use .h to get help "), FE( FS_CONNECTED, "\0012# Connected to '\0016%s\0012', port \0016%s\0012 ..."), FE( FS_CANTCONNECT, "\0012# Can not connect to '\0016%s\0012', port \0016%s\0012 ..."), FE( FS_TOPIC, "\0012# Channel \0016%d\0012 topic is: '\0010%s\0012'"), FE( FS_NOTOPIC, "\0012# Channel \0016%d\0012 has no topic"), FE( FS_CHGTOPIC, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 changes topic to: '\0010%s\0012'"), FE( FS_USMATCH, "\0012# Users matching \"%s\":%s"), FE( FS_USONLINE, "\0012# Users online: %s"), FE( FS_SIGNON, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 %s"), FE( FS_SIGNOFF, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 %s"), FE( FS_JOIN, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 %s \0016%d"), FE( FS_LEAVE, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 %s \0016%d"), FE( FS_NICKCHANGE, "\0012# \0016%s\0012 \0016%s\0012 %s"), FE( FS_UNKNOWNMSG, "?? unknown message: %s"), FE( FS_BOGUSMSG, "?? bogus message: %s"), FE( FS_RXPUBURL, "\0015[\0016%s\0015]\0010 %s"), FE( FS_MYPUBURL, "\0015[\0016\001u%s\001U\0015]\0010 %s"), FE( FS_RXPUBMSG, "\0015<\0016%s\0015>\0010 %s"), FE( FS_MYPUBMSG, "\0015<\0016\001u%s\001U\0015>\0010 %s"), FE( FS_TXPUBMSG, "\0015<\0016\001b%s\001B\0015>\0010 %s"), FE( FS_RXPRIVMSG, "\0015*\0016%s\0015*\0010 %s"), FE( FS_TXPRIVMSG, "\0015-> *\0016%s\0015*\0010 %s"), FE( FS_BGPRIVMSG, "\0011! Bogus message, not sent."), FE( FS_PUBACTION, "\0015*\0010 \0016%s\0010 %s"), FE( FS_TXPUBACTION, "\0015*\0010 \0016\001b%s\001B\0010 %s"), FE( FS_TXPUBTHOUGHT, ".o( \0014%s\0010 )"), FE( FS_TXPUBNTHOUGHT,".oO( \0014%s\0010 )"), FE( FS_PUBTHOUGHT, "\0015*\0010 \0016\001b%s\001B\0010 %s"), FE( FS_BGTXPUBACTION,"\0011! No action taken."), FE( FS_COMMAND, "\0012## command: %s"), FE( FS_LOCALCOMMAND, "\0012## local command (not executed yet): %s"), FE( FS_BOGUSCOMMAND, "\0012## bogus command (not executed or sent): %s"), FE( FS_SBINF, " [%d/%d] "), FE( FS_MISSTYPED, "\0011* Probably misstyped? Not sent: %s"), FE( FS_UNKNCMD, "\0011* Unknown client command: %s"), FE( FS_BADREGEX, "\0011* Could not compile regex: %s"), FE( FS_PLAIN, NULL) };