* Tweet list * skin footer * language selector * sidebars in posts and pages * import images to /image/ dir https://alexwlchan.net/2019/11/saving-a-copy-of-a-tweet-by-typing-twurl/ page_translations: id | page_id | locale | title | abstract | body | created_at | updated_at pages: id | node_id | revision | created_at | updated_at | published_at | user_id | template_name | editor_id nodes: id | slug | unique_name | created_at | updated_at | lft | rgt | parent_id | head_id | draft_id | locking_user_id | staged_slug | staged_parent_id users = select * from users tags = select * from tags taggings = select * from taggings nodes = select * from nodes for node in nodes: pages = select * from pages where node_id = node.id for page in pages: tag_ids = select tag_id from taggings where taggable_id = page.id tags = select name from tags where id in tag_ids translations = select * from page_translations where page_id = page.id