If you don't want to depend on Google or DuckDuckGo to implement search for you, or just want it to work even if you are offline, enable this plugin and the search will be performed client side. It uses [Tipue Search](http://www.tipue.com/search/) as its engine. In ordrer to set up Tipue, you will need: * the sample config from `conf.py.sample` and a page set up to render `localsearch.tmpl` (which you may customize) — an example is in `search-EXAMPLE.html` * or the alternate sample config from `conf.py.sample.alt`, which uses a modal and does not need another page For more information about how to customize it and use it, please refer to the Tipue docs at http://www.tipue.com/search/ Tipue is under an MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE.txt)