path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2006-01-20Help pkg_add to find packages in correct ordererdgeist
2006-01-07globbing is essential when specifying /pkg/*erdgeist
2005-12-31Flavours now head to their final layout:erdgeist
the whole bunch of stuff found below flavour dir is being installed into the new jails root, including the flavour config, packages and files. The startup scripts now only creates users, chowns the files it is told to and installs packages.
2005-12-18Rethought flavourserdgeist
2005-11-18Prevent globbing in unwanted places, allow space in User Nameerdgeist
2005-11-17Really delete flavour fileerdgeist
2005-11-17we want to keep soft linkserdgeist
2005-11-17Default PREFIX provided, flavour stuff addederdgeist
2005-11-09Comment field added to adduser line, install files and packages rudimentserdgeist
2005-11-08Start of default config sub systemerdgeist