path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2006-05-22Preparing for release of ezjail-2.0betaerdgeist
2006-05-15simple image jails are now being detached, tooerdgeist
2006-05-09attaching and detaching image jails now works.erdgeist
2006-05-09Added attach/detach subsubcommands to configerdgeist
Added more error checking when attaching image jails Woke up this morning when the streets where full of cars
2006-05-07Add a forceful blocking option to ezjail creationerdgeist
2006-05-06-a mistaken for two ampersands... I am getting olderdgeist
2006-05-04Flag jails that would interrupt boot process as attachblocking. Skip or choose them deliberately in ezjail.sherdgeist
2006-05-04Added CVS Id Tagerdgeist
2006-05-03Now honour new crypto image typeserdgeist
2006-05-03Crypto image init-attach args converter introduced.erdgeist
2006-04-26Introducing a more generic crypto image strategyerdgeist
2006-04-24An empty ezjail directory made rcorder fail. Fixederdgeist
2006-04-22Do not use a lock file for gbde anymore. I have no concept of using/moving the lock file appropriately, so move it into the image.erdgeist now follows new variable name styleerdgeist
2006-04-15HEADS UP:erdgeist
Major changes in how config is fetched from jail config. A major variable renaming took place. A new subcommand config has been introduced. Jails can be configured not to be run automatically. Crypto images do not work anymore if made with an older version. (Due to config file variable renaming) .norun has been set as standard "do not run" name. However, any . is enough to prevent booting the jail.
2006-04-12Some more escaping...erdgeist now honours rcorders script ordererdgeist
2006-03-25bug in startcrypto fixederdgeist
2006-03-25Adding startcrypto and stopcrypto subcommands to start/stop all crypto jailserdgeist
2006-03-25Debug PREFIX removederdgeist
2006-03-25Cryptojails can be stopped without passphrase, so only exclude them from jail list at start uperdgeist now is ready for image jails. Merging to ezjail-admin soonerdgeist
2006-03-17Specify more exactly where the script wants to be run and exclude it from rcorder in jailserdgeist
2006-03-06Corrected a bug where a jail_list in rc.conf prevented ezjail to start up its own jailserdgeist
2006-02-16Ugly ugly bug: [ test for string ] fails for too many paramters. Quote the string.RELEASE_1_3erdgeist
2006-02-06provide braces for variable expansionerdgeist
2006-02-03Tidying up the rc.d script, only run, if any of the jails specified exists. restart does not work anymore due to a bug in rc.subrerdgeist
2006-02-02rc.d scripts must not issue line breakserdgeist
2006-02-02Reflect character whitelisting in rc.d-scripterdgeist
2005-10-20wrong unix magicerdgeist
2005-10-14Last cleanups before committingRELEASE_1_0erdgeist
2005-09-26ezjail now is called ezjail.sherdgeist