path: root/man1/ezjail-admin.1
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2009-08-21ZFS clarification in the ezjail-admin manpagecryx
2008-08-06Grammar fixes. Thanks and a beer go out to Fred Condo.erdgeist
2008-07-10Add -P -M and -S switches to ezjail-admin install.erdgeist
Those commands can be used to add ports, sources and man page packages to an already installed base without reinstalling the base. Unify error reporting and try to give the user enough clues as how to go on in case of an error.
2008-07-08Fix typos and add lots of documentation.erdgeist
2007-10-01Documentation for ezjail-admin archive enhancederdgeist
2007-10-01Document ezjail-admin archiveerdgeist
2007-09-15introduced a console subcommand that allows attaching to a jail by it jailname. Also added documentation for that and the magic rc.d/ ↵erdgeist
introduced before
2007-02-22Document fsck subcommanderdgeist
2007-02-21Learned groff (a little) and beautified the man page.erdgeist
2006-11-15rename introducederdgeist
2006-05-22Preparing for release of ezjail-2.0betaerdgeist
2006-05-17Document new -c arguments in man pageerdgeist
2006-05-16Documentation for the install and the list subcommanderdgeist
2006-04-10Documentation on the image jails. More to come.erdgeist
2006-02-09Radical change of what an ezjail flavour is. The old way got me stuck.erdgeist
2006-02-08Tidy up of now reflects in documentationerdgeist
2006-02-08Tightening up documentation.erdgeist
2006-01-30Documentation tidy uperdgeist
2006-01-18example shows usage of port updatingerdgeist
2006-01-16Explaining ports updateerdgeist
2005-12-31Reflect changes in flavour layout in man pageerdgeist
2005-11-21Flavours introducederdgeist
2005-10-14Last cleanups before committingRELEASE_1_0erdgeist
2005-10-01documentation for version 1.0erdgeist
2005-09-26ezjail now is called ezjail.sherdgeist
2005-09-24EZJAIL_PREFIX added to man pageserdgeist
2005-09-20Introduced -i option to ezjail-admin updateerdgeist
2005-09-20me no speek goot englitcherdgeist
2005-09-09Warn about making worldserdgeist