#!/bin/sh ezjail_dirlist="bin boot lib libexec rescue sbin usr/bin usr/include usr/lib usr/libdata usr/libexec usr/sbin usr/src usr/share usr/lib32 usr/ports" ezjail_name=`uname -n` ezjail_safename=`echo -n "${ezjail_name}" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' _` ezjail_archive_tag="${ezjail_safename}-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S`" ezjail_archive="${ezjail_archive_tag}.tar.gz" ezjail_archive_opt="-f `pwd -P`/${ezjail_archive}" # Create soft links needed in all ezjails mkdir -p /tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/usr /tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/basejail for dir in ${ezjail_dirlist}; do ln -s /basejail/${dir} /tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/${dir} done # Construct regex that excludes directories from newjail # Also excludes the directories themself, they will be added as softlinks repl="" for dir in ${ezjail_dirlist}; do repl="${repl} -s:^./${dir}/.*::p -s:^./${dir}$::p" done # Do not want to archive the archive itself repl="${repl} -s:.*/${ezjail_archive}$::p" # Must not archive content of /dev and /proc repl="${repl} -s:^./dev/.*::p -s:^./proc/.*::p" # Map the softlinks found in our fake root into the jails root # exclude fakeroot's /usr repl="${repl} -s:^./tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/usr$::p -s:^./tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/:ezjail/:p" # Finally re-locate all files under ezjail/ so that the restore command find them repl="${repl} -s:^\.:ezjail:p" echo $repl cd / pax -wt -x cpio ${ezjail_archive_opt} ${repl} . ezjail_paxresult=$? rm -rf /tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/ #unset LANG LC_CTYPE #find -dE / ! -regex "/(dev|proc|${ezjail_dirlist})/.*" -a ! -regex "/(${ezjail_dirlist})" -a ! -path /tmp/ezjail_fakeroot/usr -a ! -name "${ezjail_archive}" \