Title: Contakt Slug: contact URL: arbitration/contact.en.html save_as: arbitration/contact.en.html Template: page Lang: en sortorder: 10 Longtitle: Contact the arbitration board You will find all infos about the purpose and self-conception of the arbitration board in our [FAQ]({filename}arbitration.en.md). ## Contact * [DECT](filename}../dect.en.md): 2724 * [schiedsstelle@ccc.de](mailto:schiedsstelle@ccc.de) ## Available all year During events you can also reach the arbitration board directl via [DECT]({filename}../dect.en.md) 2724. The arbitration board is active year-round. Outside of ongoing events you can reach us via e-mail at [schiedsstelle@ccc.de](mailto:schiedsstelle@ccc.de). ## Feedback and improvement suggestions The code of procedure has been developed in collaboration with diverse groups and is subject to constant evaluation and improvement. If you have an suggestions to improve the rules of procedure in order to continuously better the process, please use the above channels. Please note that the arbitration board will not comment on ongoing proceedings.