/* This software was written by Dirk Engling It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever. Some of the stuff below is stolen from Fefes example libowfat httpd. */ #include "socket.h" #include "io.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "ip6.h" #include "array.h" #include "case.h" #include "fmt.h" #include "iob.h" #include "str.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trackerlogic.h" #include "scan_urlencoded_query.h" unsigned long const OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 15; unsigned long const OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_CHECKINTERVAL = 5; static unsigned int ot_overall_connections = 0; static time_t ot_start_time; static const unsigned int SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH = 80; static char reply[8192]; static size_t reply_size; static void carp(const char* routine) { buffer_puts(buffer_2,routine); buffer_puts(buffer_2,": "); buffer_puterror(buffer_2); buffer_putnlflush(buffer_2); } static void panic(const char* routine) { carp(routine); exit(111); } struct http_data { array r; io_batch iob; unsigned long ip; }; int header_complete(struct http_data* r) { long l = array_bytes(&r->r); const char* c = array_start(&r->r); long i; for (i=0; i+1r); written_size = write( s, reply, reply_size ); if( ( written_size < 0 ) || ( written_size == reply_size ) ) { free(h); io_close( s ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Should have handled this.\n" ); free(h); io_close( s ); } } void httperror(int64 s,struct http_data* h,const char* title,const char* message) { reply_size = sprintf( reply, "HTTP/1.0 %s\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: %zd\r\n\r\n%s\n", title, strlen(message)+strlen(title)+16-4,title+4); senddata(s,h); } // bestimmten http parameter auslesen und adresse zurueckgeben const char* http_header(struct http_data* r,const char* h) { long i; long l = array_bytes(&r->r); long sl = strlen(h); const char* c = array_start(&r->r); for (i=0; i+sl+2r); c = array_start(&h->r); if (byte_diff(c,4,"GET ")) { e400: return httperror(s,h,"400 Invalid Request","This server only understands GET."); } c+=4; for (data=c; *data!=' '&&*data!='\t'&&*data!='\n'&&*data!='\r'; ++data) ; if (*data!=' ') goto e400; *data=0; if (c[0]!='/') goto e404; while (*c=='/') ++c; switch( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_PATH ) ) { case 6: /* scrape ? */ if (byte_diff(data,6,"scrape")) goto e404; scanon = 1; while( scanon ) { switch( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_PARAM ) ) { case -2: /* terminator */ scanon = 0; break; case -1: /* error */ goto e404; case 9: if(byte_diff(data,9,"info_hash")) { scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); continue; } /* ignore this, when we have less than 20 bytes */ if( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ) != 20 ) { e400_param: return httperror(s,h,"400 Invalid Request","Invalid parameter"); } hash = (ot_hash*)data; /* Fall through intended */ break; default: scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); break; } } /* Scanned whole query string, wo */ if( !hash ) return httperror(s,h,"400 Invalid Request","This server only serves specific scrapes."); // Enough for http header + whole scrape string if( ( reply_size = return_scrape_for_torrent( hash, SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH + reply ) ) <= 0 ) goto e500; break; case 8: if( byte_diff(data,8,"announce")) goto e404; OT_SETIP( &peer, &h->ip); OT_SETPORT( &peer, &port ); OT_FLAG( &peer ) = 0; numwant = 50; scanon = 1; while( scanon ) { switch( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_PARAM ) ) { case -2: /* terminator */ scanon = 0; break; case -1: /* error */ goto e404; #ifdef WANT_IP_FROM_QUERY_STRING case 2: if(!byte_diff(data,2,"ip")) { size_t len = scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); unsigned char ip[4]; if( ( len <= 0 ) || scan_fixed_ip( data, len, ip ) ) goto e400_param; OT_SETIP ( &peer, ip ); } else scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); break; #endif case 4: if(!byte_diff(data,4,"port")) { size_t len = scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); if( ( len <= 0 ) || scan_fixed_int( data, len, &tmp ) || ( tmp > 0xffff ) ) goto e400_param; port = htons( tmp ); OT_SETPORT ( &peer, &port ); } else if(!byte_diff(data,4,"left")) { size_t len = scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); if( ( len <= 0 ) || scan_fixed_int( data, len, &tmp ) ) goto e400_param; if( !tmp ) OT_FLAG( &peer ) |= PEER_FLAG_SEEDING; } else scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); break; case 5: if(byte_diff(data,5,"event")) scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); else switch( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ) ) { case -1: goto e400_param; case 7: if(!byte_diff(data,7,"stopped")) OT_FLAG( &peer ) |= PEER_FLAG_STOPPED; break; case 9: if(!byte_diff(data,9,"complete")) OT_FLAG( &peer ) |= PEER_FLAG_COMPLETED; default: // Fall through intended break; } break; case 7: if(!byte_diff(data,7,"numwant")) { size_t len = scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); if( ( len <= 0 ) || scan_fixed_int( data, len, &numwant ) ) goto e400_param; if( numwant > 200 ) numwant = 200; } else if(!byte_diff(data,7,"compact")) { size_t len = scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); if( ( len <= 0 ) || scan_fixed_int( data, len, &tmp ) ) goto e400_param; if( !tmp ) return httperror(s,h,"400 Invalid Request","This server only delivers compact results."); } else scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); break; case 9: if(byte_diff(data,9,"info_hash")) { scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); continue; } /* ignore this, when we have less than 20 bytes */ if( scan_urlencoded_query( &c, data = c, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ) != 20 ) goto e400; hash = (ot_hash*)data; break; default: scan_urlencoded_query( &c, NULL, SCAN_SEARCHPATH_VALUE ); break; } } /* Scanned whole query string */ if( !hash ) goto e400; if( OT_FLAG( &peer ) & PEER_FLAG_STOPPED ) { remove_peer_from_torrent( hash, &peer ); MEMMOVE( reply + SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH, "d15:warning message4:Okaye", reply_size = 26 ); } else { torrent = add_peer_to_torrent( hash, &peer ); if( !torrent ) { e500: return httperror(s,h,"500 Internal Server Error","A server error has occured. Please retry later."); } if( ( reply_size = return_peers_for_torrent( torrent, numwant, SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH + reply ) ) <= 0 ) goto e500; } break; case 11: if( byte_diff(data,11,"mrtg_scrape")) goto e404; { unsigned long seconds_elapsed = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; reply_size = sprintf( reply + SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH, "%d\n%d\nUp: %ld seconds (%ld hours)\nPretuned by german engineers, currently handling %li connections per second.", ot_overall_connections, ot_overall_connections, seconds_elapsed, seconds_elapsed / 3600, ot_overall_connections / ( seconds_elapsed ? seconds_elapsed : 1 ) ); } break; default: /* neither *scrape nor announce */ e404: return httperror(s,h,"404 Not Found","No such file or directory."); } if( reply_size ) { MEMMOVE( reply, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: X \r\n\r\n", SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH ); fmt_ulonglong( reply+59, (long long)reply_size ); } reply_size += SUCCESS_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH; io_dontwantread(s); senddata(s,h); } void graceful( int s ) { if( s == SIGINT ) { signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN); deinit_logic(); exit( 0 ); } } void usage( char *name ) { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-i serverip] [-p serverport] [-d serverdirectory]" #ifdef WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER " [-oc]" #endif #ifdef WANT_BLACKLIST " [-bB]" #endif "\n", name ); } void help( char *name ) { usage( name ); fprintf( stderr, "\t-i serverip\tspecify ip to bind to (default: *)\n" "\t-p serverport\tspecify port to bind to (default: 6969)\n" "\t-d serverdir\tspecify directory containing white- or black listed torrent info_hashes (default: \".\")\n" #ifdef WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER "\t-o\t\tmake tracker an open tracker, e.g. do not check for white list (default: off)\n" "\t-c\t\tmake tracker a closed tracker, e.g. check each announced torrent against white list (default: on)\n" #endif #ifdef WANT_BLACKLIST "\t-b\t\tmake tracker check its black list, e.g. check each announced torrent against black list (default: on)\n" "\t-B\t\tmake tracker check its black list, e.g. check each announced torrent against black list (default: off)\n" #endif #ifdef WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER "\n* To white list a torrent, touch a file inside serverdir with info_hash hex string.\n" #endif #ifdef WANT_BLACKLIST #ifndef WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER "\n" #endif "* To white list a torrent, touch a file inside serverdir with info_hash hex string, preprended by '-'.\n" #endif ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int s=socket_tcp4(); tai6464 t, next_timeout_check; unsigned long ip; char *serverip = NULL; char *serverdir = "."; uint16 port = 6969; while( 1 ) { switch( getopt(argc,argv,":i:p:d:ocbBh") ) { case -1: goto allparsed; case 'i': serverip = optarg; break; case 'p': port = (uint16)atol( optarg ); break; case 'd': serverdir = optarg; break; case 'h': help( argv[0]); exit(0); #ifdef WANT_CLOSED_TRACKER case 'o': g_closedtracker = 0; break; case 'c': g_closedtracker = 1; break; #endif #ifdef WANT_BLACKLIST case 'b': g_check_blacklist = 1; break; case 'B': g_check_blacklist = 0; break; #endif default: case '?': usage( argv[0] ); exit(1); } } allparsed: ot_start_time = time( NULL ); if (socket_bind4_reuse(s,serverip,port)==-1) panic("socket_bind4_reuse"); if (socket_listen(s,16)==-1) panic("socket_listen"); if (!io_fd(s)) panic("io_fd"); signal( SIGINT, graceful ); if( init_logic( serverdir ) == -1 ) panic("Logic not started"); io_wantread( s ); taia_now( &next_timeout_check ); taia_addsec( &next_timeout_check, &next_timeout_check, OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_CHECKINTERVAL ); for (;;) { int64 i; io_wait(); taia_now(&t); if( taia_less( &next_timeout_check, &t ) ) { while( ( i = io_timeouted() ) != -1 ) { struct http_data* h=io_getcookie(i); if( h ) { array_reset( &h->r ); free( h ); } io_close(i); } taia_now(&next_timeout_check); taia_addsec(&next_timeout_check,&next_timeout_check,OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_CHECKINTERVAL); } while( ( i = io_canread() ) != -1 ) { if( i == s ) { // ist es der serversocket? int n; while( ( n = socket_accept4( s, (void*)&ip, &port) ) != -1 ) { if( io_fd( n ) ) { struct http_data* h=(struct http_data*)malloc(sizeof(struct http_data)); io_wantread(n); if (h) { byte_zero(h,sizeof(struct http_data)); h->ip=ip; taia_now(&t); taia_addsec(&t,&t,OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT); io_timeout(n,t); io_setcookie(n,h); ++ot_overall_connections; } else io_close(n); } else io_close(n); } if( errno==EAGAIN ) io_eagain(s); else carp("socket_accept4"); } else { char buf[8192]; struct http_data* h=io_getcookie(i); int l=io_tryread(i,buf,sizeof buf); if( l <= 0 ) { if( h ) { array_reset(&h->r); free(h); } io_close(i); } else { array_catb(&h->r,buf,l); if( array_failed(&h->r)) httperror(i,h,"500 Server Error","Request too long."); else if (array_bytes(&h->r)>8192) httperror(i,h,"500 request too long","You sent too much headers"); else if ((l=header_complete(h))) httpresponse(i,h); else { taia_now(&t); taia_addsec(&t,&t,OT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT); io_timeout(i,t); } } } } while ((i=io_canwrite())!=-1) { struct http_data* h=io_getcookie(i); int64 r=iob_send(i,&h->iob); if (r==-1) io_eagain(i); else if ((r<=0)||(h->iob.bytesleft==0)) { iob_reset(&h->iob); free(h); io_close(i); } } } return 0; }