#include "scan.h" #include "scan_urlencoded_query.h" // Idea is to do a in place replacement or guarantee at least // strlen( string ) bytes in deststring // watch http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt // unreserved = alphanum | mark // mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" // we add '%' to the matrix to not stop at encoded chars. static const unsigned char reserved_matrix[] = { 0xA2, 0x63, 0xFF, 0x03, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x87, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x47}; inline int is_unreserved( unsigned char c ) { if( ( c <= 32 ) || ( c >= 127 ) ) return 0; return 1&(reserved_matrix[(c-32)>>3]>>(c&7)); } size_t scan_urlencoded_query(char **string, char *deststring, int flags) { register const unsigned char* s=*(const unsigned char**) string; unsigned char *d = (unsigned char*)deststring; register unsigned char b, c; while ( is_unreserved( c = *s++) ) { if (c=='%') { if( ( c = scan_fromhex(*s++) ) == 0xff ) return -1; if( ( b = scan_fromhex(*s++) ) == 0xff ) return -1; c=(c<<4)|b; } if(d) *d++ = c; } switch( c ) { case 0: case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': if( d == (unsigned char*)deststring ) return -2; --s; break; case '?': if( flags != SCAN_PATH ) return -1; break; case '=': if( flags != SCAN_SEARCHPATH_PARAM ) return -1; break; case '&': if( flags == SCAN_PATH ) return -1; if( flags == SCAN_SEARCHPATH_PARAM ) --s; break; default: return -1; } *string = (char *)s; return d - (unsigned char*)deststring; }