# !!! This file must be named ~/.vchat/formats in order to work !!! # please be REALLY REALLY careful here # the following lines will be used as # format strings # ^ introduces a style change: # TODO: ^^ == '^' # 0 - default colorpair for window # 1 - colorpair 1 RED # 2 - colorpair 2 GREEN # 3 - colorpair 3 YELLOW # 4 - colorpair 4 BLUE # 5 - colorpair 5 MAGENTA # 6 - colorpair 6 CYAN # 7 - colorpair 7 WHITE # 8 - colorpair 8 WHITE on RED # 9 - colorpair 9 WHITE on BLUE # aA - alternate charset on/off # bB - bold on/off # dD - dim on/off # iI - invisible on/off # lL - blink on/off # nN - normal on/off # pP - protected on/off # rR - reverse on/off # sS - standout on/off # uU - underlined on/off # devlogs colorset # normal text - normal FS_PLAIN = "%s" FS_CHAN = "%s" FS_PRIV = "%s" #server and global info, errors - red. FS_SERV = "^1%s" FS_GLOB = "^1%s" FS_ERR = "^1%s" #Stuff FS_DBG = "^3%s" FS_IDLE = "^8%s" FS_TIME = "^2[%H:%M]^0 " FS_TOPICW = "[ Channel %d: %s" FS_NOTOPICW = "[ Channel %d has no topic" FS_CONSOLE = "[ %s@%s:%d, use .h to get help" FS_CONNECTED = "^2# Connected to '^0%s^2', port ^0%d^2 ..." FS_TOPIC = "^1# Channel ^6%d^2 topic is: '^0%s^2'" FS_NOTOPIC = "^1# Channel ^6%d^2 has no topic" FS_CHGTOPIC = "^1# ^4%s^1 changes topic to: '^0%s^1'" FS_USONLINE = "^0# Currently verpeiling: %s users" FS_USMATCH = "^0# Users matching \"%s\":%s" FS_SIGNON = "^1# ^4%s^1 %s" FS_SIGNOFF = "^1# ^4%s^1 %s" FS_JOIN = "^1# ^4%s^1 %s ^0%d" FS_LEAVE = "^1# ^4%s^1 %s ^0%d" FS_NICKCHANGE = "^1# ^4%s^1 ^4%s^1 %s" FS_UNKNOWNMSG = "?? unknown message: %s" FS_BOGUSMSG = "?? bogus message: %s" # .u-style public urls - FS_RXPUBURL = "^0[^8%s^0] %s" FS_MYPUBURL = "^0[^8^u%s^U^0] %s" # public messages - nicks -> yellow & white FS_RXPUBMSG = "^0<^3%s^0> %s" FS_MYPUBMSG = "^0<^7%s^0> %s" FS_TXPUBMSG = "^0<^3^b%s^B^0> %s" # private msgs - enclosed in ** or (), nick is white FS_RXPRIVMSG = "^7(%s^7)^3 %s" FS_TXPRIVMSG = "^1*^7%s^1*^0 %s" FS_BGPRIVMSG = "^1! Bogus message, not sent." # public actions - yellow & blue FS_PUBACTION = "^1*^0 ^3%s^0 %s" FS_TXPUBACTION = "^1*^0 ^4^b%s^B^0 %s" FS_BGTXPUBACTION = "^1! No action taken." FS_COMMAND = "^2## command: %s" FS_LOCALCOMMAND = "^2## local command (not executed yet): %s" FS_BOGUSCOMMAND = "^2## bogus command (not executed or sent): %s" FS_SBINF = " [%d/%d] " FS_SBINF_SCROLL = " ^8[%d/%d]^0 "