/* * vchat-client - alpha version * vchat-client.c - main() and utility functions * * Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Kotes * * This program is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified, * provided that this copyright notice is kept intact. This program is * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; * without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a * particular purpose. In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for * any direct, indirect, incidental or special damages arising in any way out * of the use of this software. * */ /* general includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vchat-connection.h" #include "vchat-user.h" #include "vchat.h" /* version of this module */ const char *vchat_cl_version = "vchat-client.c $Id$"; /* externally used variables */ /* we're logged in */ unsigned int loggedin = 0; /* we run as long as this is true */ int status = 1; /* we set this, we WANT to quit */ int ownquit = 0; /* we set this, we DONT want to quit */ int wantreconnect = 0; static int reconnect_delay = 6; static time_t reconnect_time = 0; /* error string to show after exit */ char errstr[ERRSTRSIZE] = "\0"; /* declaration of configuration array */ #include "vchat-config.h" void setnoption(const char *, char *); static void parsecfg(char *line) { int bytes; char *param = line; char *value = NULL; /* handle quotes value is empty, so we can use it */ value = strchr(line, '#'); if (value) { /* the line contains a cute little quote */ value[0] = '\0'; /* ignore the rest of the line */ } /* now split the line into two parts */ value = strchr(line, '='); if (!value) return; /* exit if strchr fails */ value[0] = '\0'; value++; /* "trim" values */ while ((value[0] == ' ') || (value[0] == '\t')) value++; bytes = strlen(value); while ((value[bytes - 1] == ' ') || (value[bytes - 1] == '\t')) { value[bytes - 1] = '\0'; bytes = strlen(value); } /* bytes should be strlen(value) */ if (value[bytes - 1] == '"') value[bytes - 1] = '\0'; if (value[0] == '"') value++; /* "trim" param */ while ((param[0] == ' ') || (param[0] == '\t')) param++; bytes = strlen(param); while ((param[bytes - 1] == ' ') || (param[bytes - 1] == '\t')) { param[bytes - 1] = '\0'; bytes = strlen(param); } /* bytes should be strlen(param) */ if (param[bytes - 1] == '\"') param[bytes - 1] = '\0'; if (param[0] == '\"') param++; if ((!param) || (!value)) return; /* failsave */ // fprintf(stderr,"\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n",param,value); setnoption(param, value); } static void parseformats(char *line) { int i; char *tmp = NULL; /* read a format line from file, syntax is FS_XXX = "formatstring" */ while (*line == ' ') line++; if (strlen(line) > TMPSTRSIZE) return; if (*line != '#') /* allow to comment out the line */ for (i = 0; formatstrings[i].formatstr; i++) if (!strncasecmp(formatstrings[i].idstring, line, strlen(formatstrings[i].idstring))) { char *tail = line + strlen(formatstrings[i].idstring); while (*tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t') tail++; /* and skip whitespaces */ if (*tail++ == '=') { while (*tail == ' ' || *tail == '\t') tail++; if (*(tail++) == '\"') { int j, k = 0, stringends = 0, backslash = 0; for (j = 0; tail[j] && !stringends; j++) { switch (tail[j]) { case '^': if (tail[j + 1] != '^') tmpstr[k++] = 1; break; case '\\': backslash = 1 - backslash; tmpstr[k++] = '\\'; break; case '\"': if (backslash) k--; else stringends = 1; default: tmpstr[k++] = tail[j]; backslash = 0; } } if (stringends && ((tmp = (char *)malloc(1 + j)) != NULL)) { memcpy(tmp, tmpstr, k); tmp[k - 1] = 0; formatstrings[i].formatstr = tmp; } } } } } /* UNUSED uncomment if needed static void parseknownhosts(char *line) { } */ /* load config file */ void loadcfg(char *file, int complain, void (*lineparser)(char *)) { FILE *fh; #define BUFSIZE 4096 char buf[BUFSIZE]; /* data buffer */ char *tildex = NULL, *t; /* Check and expand filename then open file */ if (!file) return; tildex = tilde_expand(file); if (!tildex) return; fh = fopen(tildex, "r"); free(tildex); if (!fh) { if (complain) snprintf(errstr, TMPSTRSIZE, "Can't open config-file \"%s\": %s.", file, strerror(errno)); return; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fh)) { if ((t = strchr(buf, '\n'))) *t = 0; lineparser(buf); } fclose(fh); } void loadconfig(char *file) { loadcfg(file, 1, parsecfg); } void loadformats(char *file) { loadcfg(file, 0, parseformats); } /* get-format-string */ char *getformatstr(formtstr id) { int i; for (i = 0; formatstrings[i].formatstr; i++) if (formatstrings[i].id == id) return formatstrings[i].formatstr; return NULL; } /* get-string-option, fetches *char-value of variable named by option */ char *getstroption(confopt option) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "getstroption: %d\n", option); #endif for (i = 0; configoptions[i].type != CO_NIL; i++) if ((configoptions[i].id == option) && (configoptions[i].type == CO_STR)) { if (!configoptions[i].value) return configoptions[i].defaultvalue; else return configoptions[i].value; } return NULL; } /* set-string-option, puts *char-value to variable named by option */ void setstroption(confopt option, char *string) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "setstroption: %d to %s\n", option, string); #endif for (i = 0; configoptions[i].type != CO_NIL; i++) if ((configoptions[i].id == option) && (configoptions[i].type == CO_STR)) { if (configoptions[i].value) free(configoptions[i].value); if (string) configoptions[i].value = strdup(string); else configoptions[i].value = NULL; if (configoptions[i].localvar.pstr) *configoptions[i].localvar.pstr = configoptions[i].value; } } /* set-named-option, puts string to variable named by name */ void setnoption(const char *name, char *string) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "setstrnoption: %s to %s\n", name, string); #endif for (i = 0; configoptions[i].type != CO_NIL; i++) if (!strcmp(configoptions[i].varname, name)) { if (configoptions[i].type == CO_STR) { if (configoptions[i].value) free(configoptions[i].value); if (string) configoptions[i].value = strdup(string); else configoptions[i].value = NULL; if (configoptions[i].localvar.pstr) *configoptions[i].localvar.pstr = configoptions[i].value; } else if (configoptions[i].type == CO_INT) { configoptions[i].value = (char *)(uintptr_t)atoi(string); if (configoptions[i].localvar.pint) *configoptions[i].localvar.pint = (uintptr_t)configoptions[i].value; } } } /* get-integer-option, fetches int-value of variable named by option */ int getintoption(confopt option) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "getintoption: %d\n", option); #endif for (i = 0; configoptions[i].type != CO_NIL; i++) if ((configoptions[i].id == option) && (configoptions[i].type == CO_INT)) { if ((intptr_t)configoptions[i].value == -1) return (intptr_t)configoptions[i].defaultvalue; else return (intptr_t)configoptions[i].value; } return 0; } /* set-integer-option, puts int-value to variable named by option */ void setintoption(confopt option, int value) { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "setintoption: %d to %d\n", option, value); #endif for (i = 0; configoptions[i].type != CO_NIL; i++) if ((configoptions[i].id == option) && (configoptions[i].type == CO_INT)) { configoptions[i].value = (char *)(uintptr_t)value; if (configoptions[i].localvar.pint) *configoptions[i].localvar.pint = (uintptr_t)configoptions[i].value; } } int quitrequest = 0; /* cleanup-hook, for SIGINT */ void cleanup(int signal) { if (signal == SIGINT) { switch (quitrequest >> 2) { case 0: flushout(); writeout(" Press Ctrl+C twice now to confirm "); showout(); quitrequest += 4; return; break; case 1: flushout(); writeout(" Press Ctrl+C twice now to confirm "); writeout(" Press Ctrl+C once now to confirm "); showout(); quitrequest += 4; return; break; default: break; } } /* restore terminal state */ exitui(); /* clear userlist */ ul_clear(); vc_disconnect(); /* inform user if we where killed by signal */ if (signal > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "vchat-client: terminated with signal %d.\n", signal); } else if (errstr[0]) fputs(errstr, stderr); /* end of story */ exit(0); } static int oldseconds = 0; void calleverysecond(void) { /* timetriggered execution, don't rely on being called every 1000us */ /* rather see it as a chance for being called 9 times in 10 seconds */ /* so check time() */ time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *mytime = localtime(&now); if (mytime->tm_sec < oldseconds) { consoleline(NULL); } oldseconds = mytime->tm_sec; if (quitrequest) quitrequest--; if (outputcountdown && !--outputcountdown) hideout(); if (reconnect_time && (time(NULL) > reconnect_time)) status = 0; } /* this function is called in the master loop */ void eventloop(void) { int poll_result = vc_poll(1 /* second timeout */); switch (poll_result) { case -1: /* EINTR is most likely a SIGWINCH - ignore for now */ if (errno != EINTR) { snprintf(tmpstr, TMPSTRSIZE, "Select fails, %s.", strerror(errno)); strncpy(errstr, tmpstr, TMPSTRSIZE - 2); errstr[TMPSTRSIZE - 2] = '\0'; strcat(errstr, "\n"); writecf(FS_ERR, tmpstr); /* see this as an error condition and bail out */ status = 0; } break; case 0: /* time out reached */ calleverysecond(); break; default: /* something to read from user & we're logged in or have a cert? */ if (poll_result & 1) userinput(); /* something to read from server? */ if (poll_result & 2) vc_receive(); break; } } void usage(char *name) { printf("usage: %s [-C config-file] [-F formats] [-l] [-z] [-s host] [-p " "port] [-c channel] [-n nickname]\n", name); puts(" -C load a second config-file, overriding the first one"); puts(" -F load format strings (skins) from this file"); puts(" -l local connect (no SSL)"); puts(" -z don't use certificate files"); printf(" -s set server (default \"%s\")\n", getstroption(CF_SERVERHOST)); printf(" -p set port (default %s)\n", getstroption(CF_SERVERPORT)); printf(" -c set channel (default %d)\n", getintoption(CF_CHANNEL)); if (own_nick_get()) printf(" -n set nickname (default \"%s\")\n", own_nick_get()); else puts(" -n set nickname"); printf(" -f set from (default \"%s\")\n", getstroption(CF_FROM)); puts(" -h gives this help"); puts(" -v show module versions"); } void versions() { puts(vchat_cl_version); puts(vchat_ui_version); puts(vchat_io_version); puts(vchat_us_version); puts(vchat_cm_version); puts(vchat_tls_version); puts(vchat_tls_version_external); } /* main - d'oh */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int pchar; int cmdsunparsed = 1; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); loadconfig(GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE); loadconfig(getstroption(CF_CONFIGFILE)); /* make SSL version used visible */ vchat_tls_get_version_external(); /* parse commandline */ while (cmdsunparsed) { pchar = getopt(argc, argv, "C:F:lzs:p:c:n:f:kKL:hv"); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "parse commandline: %d ('%c'): %s\n", pchar, pchar, optarg); #endif switch (pchar) { case -1: cmdsunparsed = 0; break; case 'C': loadconfig(optarg); break; case 'F': setstroption(CF_FORMFILE, optarg); break; case 'l': setintoption(CF_USESSL, 0); break; case 'z': setintoption(CF_USECERT, 0); break; case 's': setstroption(CF_SERVERHOST, optarg); break; case 'p': setstroption(CF_SERVERPORT, optarg); break; case 'c': setintoption(CF_CHANNEL, strtol(optarg, NULL, 10)); break; case 'n': own_nick_set(optarg); break; case 'f': setstroption(CF_FROM, optarg); break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'v': versions(); exit(0); break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } if (optind < argc) { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } loadformats(GLOBAL_FORMAT_FILE); loadformats(getstroption(CF_FORMFILE)); /* install signal handler */ signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGHUP, cleanup); signal(SIGTERM, cleanup); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); /* initialize userinterface */ initui(); while (status) { /* attempt connection */ if (vc_connect(getstroption(CF_SERVERHOST), getstroption(CF_SERVERPORT))) { snprintf(tmpstr, TMPSTRSIZE, "Could not connect to server, %s.", strerror(errno)); strncpy(errstr, tmpstr, TMPSTRSIZE - 2); errstr[TMPSTRSIZE - 2] = '\0'; strcat(errstr, "\n"); writecf(FS_ERR, tmpstr); if (getintoption(CF_AUTORECONN)) { snprintf(tmpstr, TMPSTRSIZE, "reconnecting in %d seconds", reconnect_delay); writecf(FS_ERR, tmpstr); reconnect_delay = (reconnect_delay * 15) / 10; reconnect_time = time(NULL) + reconnect_delay; } else status = 0; } else { /* reset reconnect delay */ reconnect_delay = 6; reconnect_time = 0; } while (status) eventloop(); /* sanely close connection to server */ vc_disconnect(); if (!ownquit && (getintoption(CF_AUTORECONN) || wantreconnect)) status = 1; wantreconnect = 0; } /* call cleanup-hook without signal */ cleanup(0); return 0; }