/* * vchat-client - alpha version * vchat-user.c - functions working with the userlist * * Copyright (C) 2001 Andreas Kotes * * This program is free software. It can be redistributed and/or modified, * provided that this copyright notice is kept intact. This program is * distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; * without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a * particular purpose. In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for * any direct, indirect, incidental or special damages arising in any way out * of the use of this software. * */ /* general includes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vchat.h" struct user { unsigned char *nick; /* nick of user */ int chan; /* channel user is on */ int chan_valid; /* are we sure he is? */ int client_pv; /* client protocol version */ int messaged; /* did we message with this user? */ struct user *next; /* next user in linked list */ }; /* version of this module */ unsigned char *vchat_us_version = "$Id$"; /* externally used variables */ /* current nick */ unsigned char *nick = NULL; /* current channel */ int chan = 0; /* userlist */ user *nicks = NULL; /* add user to userlist */ void ul_add (unsigned char *name, int ignored) { user *tmp = NULL; /* is it this client? return */ if (nick && !strcasecmp (nick, name)) return; /* no list? create one */ if (!nicks) { nicks = malloc (sizeof (user)); memset(nicks,0,sizeof(user)); nicks->nick = strdup(name); nicks->chan = 0; /* users default in channel 0 */ nicks->chan_valid = 0; nicks->next = NULL; } else { /* travel list until end */ tmp = nicks; while (tmp) { /* it is this user? return */ if (!strcmp (name, tmp->nick)) return; /* is there a next user? */ if (tmp->next) tmp = tmp->next; else { /* create one */ tmp->next = malloc (sizeof (user)); tmp = tmp->next; memset(tmp,0,sizeof(user)); tmp->nick = strdup(name); tmp->chan = 0; tmp->chan_valid = 0; tmp->next = NULL; tmp = NULL; } } } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } /* delete user from userlist */ void ul_del (unsigned char *name, int ignored) { user *tmp = NULL, *ltmp = NULL; /* is it this client? return */ if (nick && !strcmp (nick, name)) return; /* no list? return */ if (!nicks) return; /* the user on top of list? */ if (!strcmp (name, nicks->nick)) { /* remove user and copy next in list */ tmp = nicks->next; free (nicks); nicks = tmp; return; } /* travel through list, skip first entry */ ltmp = nicks; tmp = nicks->next; while (tmp) { /* is it this user? */ if (!strcmp (name, tmp->nick)) { /* hook next to last, discard this */ ltmp->next = tmp->next; free (tmp); return; } /* advance in list */ ltmp = tmp; tmp = tmp->next; } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } /* let user join a channel */ void ul_join (unsigned char *name, int channel) { /* is it this client? handle and return */ if (nick && !strcmp (nick, name)) { ownjoin (channel); return; } else ul_moveuser(name,channel); #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } user * ul_finduser (unsigned char *name) { user *tmp = nicks; /* search user */ while (tmp) { /* is it this user? */ if (!strcmp (name, tmp->nick)) { return tmp; } /* advance in list */ tmp = tmp->next; } return NULL; } unsigned char * ul_matchuser( unsigned char *regex) { user *tmp = nicks; unsigned char *dest = tmpstr; regex_t preg; *dest = 0; if( !regcomp( &preg, regex, REG_ICASE | REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE)) { while( tmp ) { /* does the username match? */ if( !regexec( &preg, tmp->nick, 0, NULL, 0)) /* append username to list */ dest += snprintf ( dest, 256, " %s", tmp->nick); tmp = tmp->next; } } regfree( &preg ); return tmpstr; } static void ul_usertofront( user *who ) { user *tmp = nicks; while( tmp->next && ( tmp->next != who ) ) tmp = tmp->next; if( tmp->next == who ) { tmp->next = tmp->next->next; who->next = nicks; nicks = who; } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } void ul_msgto (unsigned char *name) { user *tmp = ul_finduser(name); if (tmp) { tmp->messaged |= 1; ul_usertofront( tmp ); } } void ul_msgfrom (unsigned char *name) { user *tmp = ul_finduser(name); if (tmp) { tmp->messaged |= 2; ul_usertofront( tmp ); } } /* set channel of user */ void ul_moveuser (unsigned char *name, int channel) { user *tmp = ul_finduser(name); if (tmp) { /* store channel information and mark it valid */ tmp->chan = channel; tmp->chan_valid = 1; } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } /* let user leave a channel */ void ul_leave (unsigned char *name, int channel) { user *tmp = ul_finduser(name); /* is it this client? handle and return */ if (nick && !strcmp (nick, name)) { ownleave (channel); return; } if (tmp) { /* mark channel information invalid */ tmp->chan_valid = 0; return; } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } /* let user change nick */ void ul_nickchange (unsigned char *oldnick, unsigned char *newnick) { user *tmp = ul_finduser(oldnick); /* is it this client? handle and return */ if (nick && !strcmp (nick, oldnick)) { ownnickchange (newnick); return; } if (tmp) { /* exchange nickname */ free (tmp->nick); tmp->nick = strdup (newnick); return; } #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } /* clear userlist */ void ul_clear (void) { user *tmp = nicks, *tmp2; /* walk list */ while (tmp) { /* store next, delete this */ tmp2 = tmp->next; free (tmp->nick); free (tmp); /* advance */ tmp = tmp2; } /* mark list empty */ nicks = NULL; #ifndef OLDREADLINE rl_last_func = NULL; #endif } int ulnc_casenick(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncmp(tmp->nick, text, len)); } int ulnc_ncasenick(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncasecmp(tmp->nick, text, len)); } unsigned char * ulnc_complete (const unsigned char *text, int state, int value, int (*checkfn)(user *,const unsigned char *,int,int)) { static int len; static user *tmp; unsigned char *name; /* first round? reset pointers! */ if (!state) { tmp = nicks; len = strlen (text); } /* walk list .. */ while (tmp) { /* we found a match? */ if (checkfn(tmp,text,len,value)) { /* copy nick, advance pointer for next call, return nick */ name = tmp->nick; tmp = tmp->next; return name; } else { tmp = tmp->next; } } return NULL; } /* nick completion functions for readline in vchat-ui.c */ unsigned char * ul_nickcomp (const unsigned char *text, int state) { int ncasemode = 1; unsigned char *name = NULL; if (!state) ncasemode = 0; if (!ncasemode) { name = ulnc_complete(text,state,0,ulnc_casenick); if (!state && !name) ncasemode = 1; } if (ncasemode) name = ulnc_complete(text,state,0,ulnc_ncasenick); if (name) return strdup(name); else return NULL; } int ulnc_casenickc(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncmp(tmp->nick, text, len) && (tmp->chan_valid) && (tmp->chan == value)); } int ulnc_ncasenickc(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncasecmp(tmp->nick, text, len) && (tmp->chan_valid) && (tmp->chan == value)); } /* nick completion for channel, used by vchat-ui.c */ unsigned char * ul_cnickcomp (const unsigned char *text, int state) { int ncasemode = 1; static unsigned char *name = NULL; if (!state) ncasemode = 0; if (!ncasemode) { name = ulnc_complete(text,state,chan,ulnc_casenickc); if (!state && !name) ncasemode = 1; } if (ncasemode) name = ulnc_complete(text,state,chan,ulnc_ncasenickc); if (name) { snprintf(tmpstr,TMPSTRSIZE,"%s:",name); return strdup(tmpstr); } else return NULL; } int ulnc_casenickm(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncmp(tmp->nick, text, len) && (tmp->messaged)); } int ulnc_ncasenickm(user *tmp, const unsigned char *text, int len, int value) { return (!strncasecmp(tmp->nick, text, len) && (tmp->messaged)); } /* nick completion for channel, used by vchat-ui.c */ unsigned char * ul_mnickcomp (const unsigned char *text, int state) { int ncasemode = 1; static unsigned char *name = NULL; if (!state) ncasemode = 0; if (!ncasemode) { name = ulnc_complete(text,state,chan,ulnc_casenickm); if (!state && !name) ncasemode = 1; } if (ncasemode) name = ulnc_complete(text,state,chan,ulnc_ncasenickm); if (name) { snprintf(tmpstr,TMPSTRSIZE,".m %s",name); return strdup(tmpstr); } else return NULL; }