title: Chaos Singularity 2008 Call for Participation date: 2008-05-13 00:00:00 updated: 2010-07-20 22:48:29 author: webmaster tags: update, cosin The Chaostreffs of Switzerland, the SheGeeks and the CCCZH are happy to announce that we will be organizing another Chaos Singularity (CoSin), an event with content from all areas of computer science and information politics. <!-- TEASER_END --> As the name implies, we'd like to concentrate an amount of chaos as big as possible at a single point in the space-time continuum, at July 4th - 6th 2008 at the KuZeB in Bremgarten (Aargau/CH) Everyone is invited to hold workshops and lectures. They can be submitted via [Pentabarf](https://cccv.pentabarf.org/submission/Cosin08). Submissions in English are preferable to facilitate the participation of people from non German-speaking parts of Switzerland or international guests. Talks about all interesting aspects of hardware, software, politics or society are welcome. The [schedule of last year](http://cosin.chaostreff.ch/2007/schedule/index.de.html) may provide a good reference. Furthermore, we are also looking for someone who would like to support the event with some sound. More information can be found on the [CoSin Homepage](http://cosin.chaostreff.ch). Questions may be directed towards cosin-orga\@chaostreff.ch, or they can be posted on our [public mailing list](http://sonne.alt-f4.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swiss-chaos). Some facts for overview: Date: July 4th - 6th 2008 Deadline for Content: June 15th 2008 Place: [KuZeB](http://kuzeb.ch), [Bremgarten](http://map.search.ch/bremgarten(ag)), Aargau, Switzerland Admission: 10 CHF/6 Euro Essen: Breakfast/Dinner at KuZeB (cost: CHF 5, registration: \[7\]) Bar: Mate and other beverages at cost price Accommodation: You may sleep at KuZeB [infos here.](https://wiki.chaostreff.ch/Cosin_eatandsleep) We hope to meet you at CoSin 2008 and would be grateful for any kind of distribution of this CfP.