title: Invitation to the annual meeting of the hacker scene: Chaos Communication Congress date: 2013-12-20 23:34:00 updated: 2013-12-21 00:09:43 author: 46halbe tags: update, pressemitteilung previewimage: /images/logo-02.png The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) invites for the thirtiest time to its yearly international hacker meeting. The Chaos Communication Congress (30C3) will take place in Hamburg, 27th to 30th of December 2013. The conference programme consists of more than 130 talks. It has been selected from more than 360 submissions for the first time this year by teams of subject-matter experts. Each  team was responsible for one of five tracks: Hardware & Making, Art & Beauty, Science & Engineering, Security & Safety and Politics, Ethics & Society. \[6\] Additionally, a number of further high-quality speakers were invited. Like in previous years, live video-streams of the talks will be available. \[0\] The lecture programme will be augmented by numerous workshops and offerings for young hackers. \[3\] \ One major topic of the conference will be the security of hard- and software. A special focus of the programme will of course be the disclosures by Edward Snowden and the surveillance systems build by the spy agencies and their lackeys in politics and industry, as well as countermeasures against them. \ The keynote of the 30C3 will be held in the evening of the 27th of December by the journalist Glenn Greenwald. Owing to his work with the Snowden documents we learned in 2013 more than ever before about the worldwide surveillance networks, the technology and the way of thinking of the snoopers. \ In addition to the extensive lecture and workshop programme a large number of – sometimes spectacular – hacking and art projects will take place at 30C3.  \[2\], \[4\], \[5\] Numerous open-source projects use the Congress to meet with their contributors and to get into contact with new people. To relax after the dense content programme during the day, at night well-known DJs and musicians will rock the 30C3 lounge. \ The internet connectivity of the 30C3 will be realized by a record-breaking 100 GBit link that has been mad possible by donations from ISPs and network equipment vendors. The 30C3 is a non-commercial event with a low entrance fee \[1\] that is only possible because of the tireless work of countless CCC-volunteers. We also would like to thank the City of Hamburg for its support.\ \ **Links**: \[0\] [Streams](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Streams) \[1\] [Tickets](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Static:Tickets) \[2\] [Seidenstraße](https://events.ccc.de/2013/12/08/seidenstrasse/) \[3\] [self organized sessions](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Static:Self-organized_Sessions) \[5\] [Assemblies](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Static:Assemblies) \[6\] [Fahrplan](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/Fahrplan/schedule.html)