title: A new dawn – the 31st Chaos Communication Congress date: 2014-12-19 17:18:00 updated: 2014-12-19 17:31:33 author: hukl tags: update, pressemitteilung On December 27th, the 31st Chaos Communication Congress will start. This year's motto is "A new dawn." Participants can expect a technologically, politically, and artistically high-caliber program with more than 120 [presentations](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/ "Schedule") and dozens of [workshops](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/wiki/Static:Self-organized_Sessions "workshops"). Hacker groups from all over the world will gather in the [assemblies](https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/wiki/Static:Assemblies "assemblies") to present or work on and advance their projects or to just have fun sharing conversation with likeminded and interested people. Famous interior designers will optically transform the convention center, and at nightfall, renowned audio artists will provide acoustic entertainment in the Partyzone.