BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
freebsd_upgrade_stuffmake the freebsd-update run from within other scriptsPhilipp Wuensche4 months
masterFix superfluous asteriks in multiplicationDirk Engling9 years
RELEASE_3_4_2commit c520f88754...Dirk Engling9 years
RELEASE_1_1commit 6ca864f125...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_2commit 4604263f7d...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_3commit 681fd19990...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_3_1commit f17039a851...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_0commit a305599a9f...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_0_1commit 1811275808...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_1commit 6b2fe867d5...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_0commit 709e87e5dc...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_3_1commit 5ad647ec21...Gerd Eist11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2007-04-26Got the securelevel check the wrong way around. Mea culpa.RELEASE_2_1erdgeist
2007-03-23Stale device link detection completed and tested. More testing required.erdgeist
2007-03-23Stale device link detection for image devices. Heads up. Untested.erdgeist
2007-02-22the -a operator evaluates from right to lefterdgeist
2007-02-22Try fscking the correct way. Have not yet figured it out completelyerdgeist
2007-02-22Document fsck subcommanderdgeist
2007-02-21ezjail-admin create now ignores dot files when checking, whether a directory is empty. That way .snap wont mark it non-empty. However, Lost+Found still is a ...erdgeist
2007-02-21Learned groff (a little) and beautified the man page.erdgeist
2007-01-24Check for secure level since ezjail will fail if it is -gt 0erdgeist
2007-01-16do portsnap cron when not invoked from command line. Do copy packages that are just linked into jail root to make them visible at run time.erdgeist
2007-01-15error when umounting irritates users, this is a cleanup function, so it should silently fail, if nothing is mounted.erdgeist
2007-01-15HEADS UP: introduced fsck feature, untested.erdgeist
2006-11-15More sanity checking.erdgeist
2006-11-15rename introducederdgeist
2006-11-15Last glitch in image rename code removed[tm].erdgeist
2006-11-15mixed up basename with dirname... fixederdgeist
2006-11-15I suck. It was the correct wayerdgeist
2006-11-15Fixed our test the wrong wayerdgeist
2006-11-15More Syntax flawserdgeist
2006-11-15Syntax check by cryx ;)erdgeist
2006-11-15HEADS UP: renaming jails has been introduced. Lots of checking will probably be required, this version is considered unstable. Also two minr style glitches h...erdgeist
2006-09-12Check for root dir before running a jail. Thanks to Matthias Lederhofer.erdgeist
2006-08-28Enable soft updates on image jailserdgeist