path: root/trackerlogic.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-01-03Added option to get ip from query string + parser, fixed two bugs concerning grow/shrink of vectors. Now cleans up a torrent BEFORE trying to remove a peer -...erdgeist
2006-12-15Fix port again ;) Include headers in Makefile dependencieserdgeist
2006-12-15fixed setport fuckuperdgeist
2006-12-15Make code endianess saveerdgeist
2006-12-14Now actually seems to work for the most partserdgeist
2006-12-13Trackerlogic done... not tested yeterdgeist
2006-12-12This is a complete rewrite... assume nothing works.erdgeist
2006-12-08Should work now *cough* *cough*erdgeist
2006-12-07Started to implement glueerdgeist
2006-12-07Every cool project needs at least one header fileerdgeist