path: root/vchat-protocol.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-02-09Trying a login script...erdgeist
2006-01-26unsigned char tidy up, query modeerdgeist
2004-03-10File descriptor has not been invalidatederdgeist
2004-02-01Bell on PM // Match username && username:erdgeist
2003-12-16v6 support default nowerdgeist
2003-12-13Last change to external port representation revoked.erdgeist
2003-12-13Experimental V6 supporterdgeist
2003-11-15UTF-8 autodetection, some gcc warningserdgeist
2003-08-14Public thoughtserdgeist
2003-05-25encoding, time, logging, paramserdgeist
2003-02-12CVS moved to erdgeist.orgerdgeist