path: root/ot_http.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
37 hoursAdd support for zstdDirk Engling
37 hoursOnly have huge downloads (aka chunked) be application/octet-streamDirk Engling
2 daysLet our fullscrapes have a binary content-typeDirk Engling
3 dayschrome does not accept chunked gzip encoding for http/1.0 protocol versionDirk Engling
3 daysRemove CVS version tags, they did not work anymore after moving to gitDirk Engling
4 daysdefine _GNU_SOURCE to silence warning about asprintfDirk Engling
4 daysUse bzero instead of the new iob_init for older libowfatsDirk Engling
5 daysAllow the use of iob_init if the new libowfat is not yet availableDirk Engling
5 daysclang-formatDirk Engling
6 daysremove debug fprintfs used to catch a bugDirk Engling
6 daysCall io_dontwantread only once on a socketDirk Engling
6 daysInitialise io_batches with their appropiate init functionDirk Engling
6 daysRemove unused macroDirk Engling
6 daysUse asprintf to allocate header instead of fixed arrayDirk Engling
6 daysFix type warnings in debug stringsDirk Engling
7 daysAdd proper parsing for the gzip content encodingDirk Engling
7 daysBetter track current iobatchDirk Engling
7 daysFirst shot on chunked transfersDirk Engling
10 dayswhite spaceDirk Engling
13 daysSilence warning on older compilersDirk Engling
13 daysWhitespace fixDirk Engling
13 daysReturn peer from both address families on announceDirk Engling
2024-04-03Prepare opentracker for dual stack capabilitiesDirk Engling
2024-03-31Prevent proxied ips of the wrong flavour to poison our clientsDirk Engling
2024-03-29Allow networks to be used instead of ip addresses when blessing is involvedDirk Engling
2024-03-09Some clients have added the /stats URL as /announce URL and cause a lot of expensive operations. Prevent thatDirk Engling
2021-05-09Fix two issues when splitting an iovec to large iobatchesDirk Engling
2021-04-25Turn mmaps into mallocDirk Engling
2021-04-24Split huge iovecs over multiple io_batchesDirk Engling
2017-04-28break belongs inside the guardDirk Engling
2017-04-28incorporate a more verbose ascii dump, provided by Tom <>Dirk Engling
2015-11-25Accept was counted twiceDirk Engling
2013-08-04Fix immediate overwrite in the X-forwarded-for passing case. Thanks to Alexander Luetjen.erdgeist
2012-05-29new flag to enforce gzip even if client did not request itdenis
2012-05-18Add a top100 for most popular torrentserdgeist
2010-08-09Reset http request input array on error caseerdgeist
2010-04-22** struct ot_workstruct gets ritcher (and will become even ritcher soon).erdgeist
2010-04-21Fix white spaceserdgeist
2010-04-09Make opentracker's user runtime configurable. Also add more debug output to aid finding problems.erdgeist
2009-12-01Fixed including another error messageerdgeist
2009-11-18Make header parsing more efficient, prepare multithreading and keep-alive.erdgeist
2009-11-16prevent infinite loop when looking for X-Forwarded-For: Headerserdgeist
2009-10-15Reenable statedumperdgeist
2009-09-02Add spotting woodpeckers, thanks to Vasya P. againerdgeist
2009-08-30Temporary feature: log amount of numwants. See if we can save traffic if we reduce max numwant to something less than 200erdgeist
2009-08-29Enable limiting fullscrapes to only every 5 minutes per IPerdgeist
2009-08-26Add some subnet debugging featureserdgeist
2009-07-14Don't default the incoming port to 6881 but rather use 0 to indicate a less than valid announceerdgeist
2009-06-17Allow /stats to be located anywhere in your trackers patherdgeist
2009-06-17Fix statedumperdgeist