path: root/ot_http.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-10-22fixed the lengthdenis
2008-10-06Bugfix: API change missed in two points, when calling return_peers_for_torrent. is_tcp was replaced by FLAG_TCP or FLAG_UDPerdgeist
2008-10-05white space in commenterdgeist
2008-10-04added live sync codeerdgeist
2008-01-17Introducing live busy network detection.erdgeist
2007-12-20Enable revision watching from the interneterdgeist
2007-12-20Introduce some kind of versioningerdgeist
2007-12-14add support for more stats:denis
2007-12-08add mrtgstyle stats for number of torrentsdenis
2007-12-05/ can now be redirected to any URLerdgeist
2007-12-04Count invalid requestserdgeist
2007-12-03 Avoid warnings about unused variables without certain defineserdgeist
2007-12-03Move http handling to its own sourceserdgeist